Friday, 16 June 2023

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, Episode 1 "The Broken Circle" (2023) TV Episode Review

 Hey everyone, how's it going? It's been a rough few days, but I'm here to talk about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Specifically the season 2 premiere. There won't be a ton of spoilers, but there will be some minor ones, so if you haven't seen the episode yet, please do so before reading this review. Let's get into it.

The downside to having to wait for any of the modern Star Trek shows to air is that I have to spend the day trying to avoid spoilers. Luckily I don't follow alot of people who watch modern Star Trek, so it's easier for me than for most people. However this episode was worth the wait.

I love how the episode picked up where the season 1 finale left off, but didn't immediately go into Una's trial. Instead, while Pike goes off to get a lawyer to take Una's case, Spock and the crew must steal the Enterprise in order to help La'an after Admiral April denies them permission to respond to her distress signal, despite the fact that an extremist faction wants to restart the war with the Klingons, as if the war we saw in season 1 of Discovery wasn't bad enough. Because of course Spock's first course of action is to steal the ship. As I said to my buddy Aaron after the episode finished, Spock's starting to pick up some of the bad habits he had in the original series. Which is great.

Speaking of Spock, it looks like he's got a little something going on with Christine Chapel since they hugged during Hemmer's funeral back in "All Those Who Wander" (SNW 1x09) and their kiss two episodes earlier in "The Serene Squall". Except that when Chapel first walks into Sickbay at the start of the episode, it's almost like she and Spock had a one night stand and are now in that post-one night stand awkwardness stage. 

I know that people don't like this change in canon, but honestly doing a prequel series such as SNW is a difficult thing to do. Particularly with legacy characters like Pike, Una, Spock, Kirk, Uhura, M'Benga, and Chapel since you know where they end up in their final appearances. And because the writers can't put the legacy characters in any real danger since they have to survive until their final  appearances in whatever their final appearances are, they have to do other things to keep the legacy characters as interesting as the new characters like La'an, Ortegas, and Pelia, who I will get to in a little bit. Which is why Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci chose to set Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), and Star Trek Beyond (2016) in a parallel universe so that they could do whatever they wanted with Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, and Chekov and have the movies not interfere with the original series. But with SNW, they chose to set the show in the main Star Trek Universe, so they had to change a few things still regardless of how well things meld with what came before in TOS.

I am absolutely fascinated by Pelia. She didn't have a whole lot to do in this episode, but she seems like a whole lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting to know this new chief engineer. 

Overall this was a great start to a new season of Star Trek. It proved that SNW is a true ensemble show as Pike showed up for two minutes at the beginning of the episode and after that it's everyone else's episode with La'an, Spock, Chapel, and M'Benga taking lead for the rest of the show. Which is really what I've been wanting as a fan of Star Trek. 

Alright my friends that's going to be it for me for this week and for this review. I'll be back next week with lots of reviews and other posts. So until then have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later. Take care. 

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