Monday, 5 August 2024

My 90's and 2000's Experience: The First Albums I Remember Listening to

 Hey everyone, how were your weekends? Mine was busy. We had family visiting this weekend, so there was lots of activity going on. Despite me wanting to do this for the last nine and a half years, I really haven't talked about music much on any of my blogs. I have a few posts about specific albums, and I did one about my go to Christmas albums, but I don't talk about music on here even though music has been such a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Today, I'm going to talk about the first albums that I remember listening to when I was a kid. There are only six albums on this list, there was supposed to be a seventh, but I couldn't remember the name of the album, so I couldn't look it up to get the cover image when I was looking for the images online this morning. So let's get into it.

The first album that I remember ever listening to was Chris Isaak's 1987, self-titled, album, Chris Isaak. My dad had it on audiocassette and I remember he would play it either on the stereo system in our living room or on the portable stereo in our kitchen all the time. While I remember every song on the album, the ones I remember the most are track #1, "You Owe Me Some Kind of Love", track #2, "Heart Full of Soul", and track #3, "Blue Hotel". Mainly because all three songs are on side 1 of the tape, and they're the three I heard the most when I was a kid. I mean, I heard the whole album many times, but it was always those three songs I heard the most.

Eventually, my dad got the album on CD, though he didn't listen to it on CD as often as he did on audiocassette, but I borrowed it from him and ripped the album to my computer so I could listen to it whenever I wanted. I have it on my iPod these days and I've listened to it twice in the last two weeks. I listened to it last night before bed just because I could.

Up next is Anne Murray's 1977 album, "There's a Hippo in My Tub". My mom put this on all the time for me when I was a kid. It was all children's songs, and she'd put it on for me before naptime, when I was at home, and sometimes after naptime, if I was good enough. She had it on vinyl record, and we actually still have that record down here in our basement. Of course there were alot of songs that I loved on this album, but my favourite was track #1, "Hey Daddy", where the album's title comes from with the chorus, "Hey daddy, there's a dragon in the driveway. Mama, there's a grizzly on the lawn. You'd better come quick 'cause there's a hippo in the bathtub, and it's going down the drain, oh no it's gone!". 

Then we had Sesame Street Gold!: The Best of Sesame Street on audiocassette. I don't remember all of the songs on this album, but the Sesame Street theme is on it, along with pretty all of the major songs from the show including "Bein' Green", "I Love Trash", and "ABC-DEF-GHI" among so many others. This album was actually a compilation of the first two Sesame Street albums from very early in the 70's.

I also had the 1980 Sesame Street album, The People in Your Neighborhood. Now, I didn't listen to this one quite as much as I did Sesame Street Gold!, but I do remember listening to it quite a bit. Afterall, besides the show itself, this album is where I listened to the song, "The People in Your Neighborhood".

This next one is also from a children's television series. It's Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show Record, which I owned on audiocassette. This album came out in 1986 and contained songs sung on the TV show, Sharon, Lois & Bram's Elephant Show, which I watched on TV all the time when I was a kid. Yes, the album includes "One Elephant Went Out to Play", which was the TV show's opening theme song, and "Skinnamarink", which was the show's closing theme song. 

The final album on this list is the 1992 album, Gordon, by Barenaked Ladies, or BNL, as they're commonly known as today, which my dad had on audiocassette. While I don't remember the whole album from when I was a kid, I do remember my favourite song on that album, "If I Had $1000000", which is track #14 on both the audiocassette (on side two), and on the CD.

 Speaking of which, the album was re-released in 1996, with a different cover than what the audiocassette and CD had in 1992. This is the version that I eventually got on CD sometime in the 2000's. This is one of my favourite albums of all time and there are a few good songs on it. One of the songs, "Grade 9", was hilarious to me because one of the lines is, "Well half my friends are crazy, the others are depressed, and none of them can help me study for my math test. I got into the classroom but my knowledge was gone. Guess I should've studied instead of watching Wrath of Khan!". The reason that part is funny to me is because, when I was in grade 9, only a few years before I got this CD, half of my friends WERE crazy, none of them could help me study for tests, and I think there was one time where I watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan instead of studying for a math test. 

There was one other album that was supposed to be on this list, and it was by The Monkees, but I can't remember the name of it or what the cover even looks like. I could've asked my mom if she remembers, since we still have it, but, we've been busy around here and I didn't get the chance to do so. I might do a follow-up on that album at another time, but I just wanted to mention that there was supposed to be an album by The Monkees on this list, but I can't for the life of me remember what album it was or what the cover looks like. 

That's gonna be it for me for today. I haven't quite decided which day my Star Wars post is going to come out this week. I have a dental appointment on Wednesday, but it's like first thing in the morning, so I'll be home by the time I like to start working on the Star Wars posts since many of them are pretty involved. We'll see though. I might just push it back to Thursday since I don't have anything going on on that day this week. So until then have a great evening and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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