Thursday, 13 October 2022

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 1 Review

 Hey everyone! How's it going? I'm doing pretty well. So today I'm here to talk about the first season of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law which dropped it's season finale today. I say first season and season finale, but as of when I'm writing this review a second season hasn't been announced yet though the people involved with the show say that it's possible that the show will get a second season. Similar to what happened with Loki last year. There will be some spoilers for this season so if you're watching the show and aren't caught up yet, particularly with the finale, this is your spoiler warning. Let's get into it.

Going into this show I was skeptical. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan and after my friend told me what the She-Hulk comics were like generally and reading more about the comics on the internet, I wasn't sure how I felt about this show being a comedy, especially one with fourth wall breaks and that kind of stuff that I don't care for in superhero and comic book movies and TV shows, preferring the more campy shows like Batman (1966-1968) which are ridiculous but play it like it's a serious show rather than playing it up for the comedy. But I enjoyed it as I watched it. I just didn't feel engaged with it in the way I've felt with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Superman & Lois

I enjoyed the show. It was fun, though some things didn't really make all that much sense to me, but that's more from this show being my introduction to Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk and not being used to the fourth wall breaking style of comedy. Not to mention I've never watched The Incredible Hulk (2008) all the way through, so the Blonsky stuff was new to me too.

Tatiana Maslany was fantastic as Jen/She-Hulk. This is the first thing I've seen her in since alot of the movies and shows she's been in in the past are ones I either didn't know about, or had no interest in. But she was good. The funny thing is is that Ginger Gonzaga, who plays Jen's best friend Nikki here, was in Alone Together (2018) as Benji's older sister, and I'd just finished watching that when She-Hulk started, so that was cool. It was also neat seeing Josh Segarra in another comic book TV show after he'd been such a major part of season 5 of Arrow as Adrian Chase/Prometheus. I really liked him there, so to see him again here was great.

I loved Jen. More than any other MCU character, including Peter Parker, Jen represented the regular people like myself, who struggles to get through an average day and it was great to see. I was a little thrown off at first, when she said she wasn't going to become a superhero like Bruce did when he became the Hulk. But, not all of the early MCU films were superhero movies. Thor (2011) was a fantasy film, Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) was a war movie etc. So I was fine with this being a legal comedy rather than a superhero show. 

I think my favourite part of this show was watching Jen become more comfortable as Jen rather than using her She-Hulk persona as a crutch/shield. That speaks to all of us because life is about learning to feel more comfortable with ourselves, even when someone appears to be confident to the outside world. It didn't need to be flashy or a CGI fest, and I'm glad it wasn't.

I have to talk about the season finale, because it was so much nonsense but so much fun at the same time. I was expecting a sudden major battle to take place between Blonsky transforming into Abomination, Todd transforming into a Hulk, and the Hulk showing up. But then the craziest thing happened, Jen was like, "What? No, this is stupid! Who do I talk to about this crap?" (I'm paraphrasing here) and she comes out of the show onto the Disney lot and goes to see Kevin Feige, who is actually a robot named K.E.V.I.N. who is said to be in charge of the MCU and Jen proceeds to have a nice lawyer speech about why her show doesn't need giant monster fights just to conform to the Marvel formula, and she wins the argument. I loved it! It was also fun seeing the villain of the season just be a dude, who hates She-Hulk because she's a woman, which seems on point with alot of internet trolls. 

Daredevil's introduction was a bit weird since I assume that Daredevil: Born Again will have a more serious tone than She-Hulk does. Honestly though I loved the connection between Jen and Matt and I loved that somebody was able to write a more lighthearted version of Daredevil even though that's not the normal tone you might associate with the character.

Overall I had a fun time watching this show. It may not be for everyone, but I recommend giving it a try. It's funny, easy to watch, and the only thing you really need to know going into it is who Hulk, Blonsky, Wong, and Daredevil are. That's it. It doesn't even take place in New York. I hope the show does get a second season because that would be really cool.

Alright my friends, that's it for me for today. I might be back tomorrow, but that depends on what I decide to write about. If not I'll be back on Sunday for my combo review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3 and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. Until then have a great afternoon and I will talk to you later. Take care. 

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