Monday, 10 October 2022

Blog Update (October 10th, 2022)

Hey everyone! How's it going? Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers! I just wanted to give you this quick update so you know what's going on this week on the blog, because a certain review was supposed to come out yesterday and it didn't. So let's get into it.

Okay, so as you know my review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3 was supposed to come out yesterday and it didn't. I'm only halfway through the season but I am gonna get back to it later this week. Honestly, I kinda needed a break from it because binging 129 episodes in less than three weeks can be tiring. And yes, I know, I could watch a smaller number of episodes per night, but that means it would just take me longer to watch, especially because I have around 995 episodes and three movies to watch in total for this review series. Also, I've decided to combine the review for the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers mini-series with the season 3 review because technically they're one season with the ten Alien Rangers episodes being a single arc at the end of the third season. So that's how I'm gonna treat it. Especially because there aren't any Alien Rangers comic books or novelizations or video games or trading cards or a deck of playing cards to talk about.

So my plan is to finish a season of Power Rangers, write the review, and then step away and review other movies or TV show pilot episodes before going onto the next season. Will this make the review schedule longer? Absolutely, but it'll also prevent me from burning out on Power Rangers so early on. I'm probably still gonna get burned out on the series, particularly when the more frustrating seasons like Samurai, Super Samurai, Megaforce, and Super Megaforce come up. It'll also prevent this blog from becoming nothing but Star Trek and Power Rangers related content.

This week I have a few reviews that I want to do. First up will be one that I'm posting later today. I'm reviewing the pilot episode of Arrow because somehow it's been ten years since that sucker aired on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV here in Canada. I don't know how that's even possible but here we are, so I'm gonna pay tribute to that and review the episode to see if it still holds up ten years later.

The next review I'm going to do is going to be DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990). Brad picked it up on VHS for me at Ottawa Comiccon last month and since I've never seen it I wanna give it a watch and see how I like it as I used to watch DuckTales on TV all the time when I was a kid but haven't seen it in thirty years. 

Of course on Wednesday I'll have my look at the ongoing Star Trek: The Next Generation monthly comic book series from DC Comics up for part 8 of my retrospective series on the DC Comics Star Trek series. And on Thursday I'll be reviewing She-Hulk: Attorney at Law as the season (series?) finale drops on Thursday and I'm gonna spend the week catching up on the two episodes I haven't watched yet. 

I haven't decided on what I'll be doing for Friday yet, but you'll find out on Friday. So that's what's coming up on the blog. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch the pilot episode of Arrow and then after lunch I'll come back and write about it, so until then I'll talk to you later.

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