Friday, 5 August 2022

Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation Special (2022) Review

 Hey everyone! Happy Friday! I hope you all had a good week and have a good weekend coming up. Today I'm going to be talking about Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation Special which just dropped on Disney+ this morning. There will be spoilers in this review, because it's a Lego Star Wars special, and it's short, with not a whole lot to talk about if you do it without spoilers. So let's get into it.

These Lego Star Wars specials are the most ridiculous things I've seen come out of Star Wars. But they're ridiculous in a fun way. Star Wars as a franchise takes itself far too seriously most of the time. Yes, there is some humour in the movies and the TV shows, that's not the focus of the franchise as a whole. It's an action/adventure drama, and can be very melodramatic. So it's fun to let go of all that and just watch a silly Star Wars special every once in a while. 

Finn has planned a vacation on the Chandrila starliner, Halcyon, run by Lando Calrissian, for himself, Rose, Poe, Rey, Artoo, Threepio, and Chewie before they all go off and do other things following the events of The Rise of Skywalker (2019). But then they all ditch him to do their own things, frustrating Poe. During the course of the trip he encounters the Force ghosts of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Leia. Each of them tells him a tale of vacations they went on that went horribly wrong. Obi-Wan's was more like a staycation since he didn't leave Tatooine, but he still ended up assisting a Rebel spy with her mission to reclaim so Coaxium from Jabba the Hutt's palace, during Jabba's birthday barbecue event. Anakin's happened when he was Darth Vader and ended up with an Imperial base on Scarif, which is important to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016). Leia's happened as a family vacation for her, Han, and Ben before taking Ben to Luke's Jedi Academy and his turn to the dark side. It happened on Endor and Ewoks were involved so that's always fun.

I think my favourite segment was the one involving the Ewoks just because it's hilarious. I mean yeah, Palpatine and Vader's was funny but Ben going on a family vacation with Han and Leia is a little more relatable than being a bored Emperor and his incompetent henchman, or being an aging hermit on a desert planet. Plus I love the Ewoks. I mean they were my introduction into the Star Wars franchise since I watched reruns of the original Ewoks cartoon series when I was a kid, long before I ever saw any of the movies (there were only three theatrically released movies out at the time). 

This was a fun special. It was made for kids but that doesn't mean that the adults watching it can't enjoy it. I mean I'm an adult and I don't have any kids and I really enjoyed it. I reviewed the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special back in 2020 and like that one I feel like this special was an unproduced Robot Chicken Star Wars skit that got turned into a Lego special instead. Because these Lego Star Wars specials do feel more like kid friendly Robot Chicken specials more than anything else. Which is never a bad thing.

Alright my friends that's gonna be it for me for today. I will be back tomorrow for my review of Lightyear, which dropped on Disney+ on Wednesday. So until then have a wonderful day and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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