Monday, 25 July 2022

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022) Trailer Discussion

 Hey everyone! How's it going? I'm doing pretty well. So this weekend was San Diego Comic-Con and Marvel made a few major announcements and dropped a few trailers. Including the final trailer (maybe?) for the upcoming Disney+ series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, which is starting on August 17th. And that's what I'm here to talk about today. Before I start though, no I'm not going to cover the Star Trek announcements, the DC Comics/Warner Bros. announcements or the other Marvel trailers and announcements. I'm only covering She-Hulk: Attorney at Law because it starts in less than a month and this is probably the final thing we're getting for it before it comes out. So with that out of the way, let's get into it.

Since Endgame came out back in 2019 I've been taking each Marvel project on a case by case basis simply because there's alot of them that I just don't have any interest in and others come out at the same time as other shows that I would rather watch instead. So I either take them or leave them. I do try to watch as many of the trailers as possible though, especially if I'm already interested in said show, like I was for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Hawkeye. Because a show's trailer can surprise me sometimes, especially if it's for a show I'm not immediately sold on by premise or cast alone. Like with She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (which I'm going to refer to simply as She-Hulk from here on out). 

Aside from Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/Hulk and Benedict Wong as Wong, I'm not familiar with anyone in this cast. I know of Tatiana Maslany, who is playing Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, because of the commercials I used to see on TV for Orphan Black (2013-2017), plus she's Canadian, but everything she's been in up to this point have been things that are outside of my purview so I haven't seen anything in her filmography. Sort of. The thing is she got her start on a Canadian children's TV show called Incredible Story Studios (1997-2002), which I watched on YTV in the late '90s and early 2000s alongside Radio Active (1998-2001), Animorphs (1998-1999/2000), and Digimon (1999-2017). Incredible Story Studios was an anthology show where kids would send their stories in and they would be adapted into a ten minute segment for an episode, with two stories per episode. Anyways Tatiana appeared in two episodes of the show, one in 1998 and the other in 2000. So if I saw those episodes then I saw her.

Honestly what sucked me into this show with the trailer was the light tone of it. Pretty much all of these Marvel shows have been pretty heavy on one level or another, and there have been more of them that I haven't been interested in than there have ones that I was interested in. So it's nice to have a show that is much much lighter in tone than previous shows. Even Hawkeye was darker than this show looks like it's going to be, and Hawkeye is one of my favourite shows. So to have what's basically a sitcom like Modern Family set in the MCU is exactly what we need right now.

I also like that, so far, based on this trailer alone, the stakes are smaller. Hopefully. Marvel has this ability to pull a bait and switch with things like that. I mean the trailer for Ms. Marvel made it look like it was going to be a basic teen comedy/drama and it ended up trying to be a bit more than that. But even if She-Hulk does try to be more, it's going for nine episodes, and I think that will really allow the show to breathe in a way that Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel and Loki couldn't with them only being six episodes. Not so much Loki, since it's getting a second season, but Hawkeye and Ms. Marvel did have problems being only one season of six episodes each.

I have to admit that the initial teaser that we got turned me off of the show because the CG work for She-Hulk was so bad. Hulk's wasn't great, it being a smaller budget than they had for Avengers: Endgame (2019), but it was better than She-Hulk's because they already had the model for the character from the work done on Endgame. They fixed that for this trailer though and Tatiana looks really good in She-Hulk form. Some of the reactions I've seen on YouTube have had people who are still iffy about She-Hulk's CG work, but I think it looks much better in this trailer than it did in that teaser.

The weirdest thing for me though is seeing Abomination again. I haven't seen Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) yet, so I didn't know he appears there. So for me, I haven't seen him since I tried to watch The Incredible Hulk (2008) back in 2012, not long after I saw The Avengers (2012). Especially because we haven't had a solo Hulk movie since 2008 either, though General Ross has shown up in various MCU films since then. And obviously Hulk has shown up in many MCU films since then too.

Overall this trailer has me intrigued about this show. Again, I was very on the fence about it, because I don't consider myself to be a Marvel fan. But I'm gonna watch the first episode at least when it comes out on August 17th on Disney+. Especially because The Orville will be finished by then and I'm hoping to be finished season 2 of The Hardy Boys by then as well. It's just Disney's been keeping me busy with all of these shows lately.

That my friends is going to be it for me for tonight. I will be back tomorrow, probably, for this week's edition of The VHS Corner. So until then have a wonderful night and I will talk to you all later. Take care. 

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