Wednesday, 11 September 2024

My 90's and 2000's Experience: 80's and 90's Movies I'd Like to Have on VHS

 Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm doing pretty well. I had a great time at Ottawa Comiccon on Friday and I picked up some great 80's and 90's finds including Spaceballs on VHS. In honour of my return to the VHS Club Podcast tomorrow night to talk about the history of VHS and VCRs, I decided to talk about 80's and 90's movies that I'd love to own on VHS. So let's get into it.

I did own the 1990 VHS release of An American Tail when I was a kid, and I have the original 1992 VHS release of its sequel, Fievel Goes West. But, I'd love to own the original 1987 VHS release of An American Tail just to complete the two theatrical movies on the format. I do have both on DVD, along with their two late 90's direct-to-video sequels, but I just thought it'd be cool to have the first movie on VHS.

While it's not my favourite movie and I've only seen it a handful of times, Back to the Future is almost a must for 80's movies to own on VHS. I originally saw it on VHS at some point in the 90's, though I don't remember if I saw it at CHEO, or if I didn't see it until 1999 or 2000 when I borrowed the trilogy from someone. I have the movie on DVD, but just the first one, since I found it cheap at Giant Tiger back in like 2015 or 2016, sometime before we moved in the summer of 2016. 

I love Beetlejuice, but I've never seen it on VHS. I saw it on TV in the 2000's and, of course, I have it on Blu-ray. But so far I haven't found it on VHS yet.

I've never seen Can't Hardly Wait, and I don't own it on DVD or Blu-ray. So why do I want to own it on VHS? Well, the VHS Club Podcast has something to do with it. Katie and Nat reviewed this movie as one of their first episodes. Well, Katie did. Nat was absent for the episode. Anyways, I hadn't discovered the show yet when they reviewed this movie, so I watched it recently, and now it's a movie I wanna watch on VHS.

As you all know, I saw Clueless for the first time at the beginning of the summer after I found it on DVD at a second hand store, and I loved it. As the quintessential 90's movie, I wanna have it on VHS since I missed it on the format the first time around.

 With Ghostbusters, it's not an absolute must for me to own it on VHS, despite the fact that I have Ghostbusters II on that format. Mostly because I have it on DVD, along with the rest of the Ghostbusters movies besides Frozen Empire. But, it would be cool if I came across it someday. It's not a super must for me though.

Same goes with Matinee, which I reviewed on the blog almost two years ago now. I bought it on iTunes and I enjoyed it, but I'm not in any rush to buy it on physical media. These next two are musts for me to own on VHS, if I can find them.

Up next is Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer. My parents rented this movie for my siblings and I numerous times, along with the VHS releases of episodes of the original Rainbow Brite cartoon. It's not the best movie, but it's one I haven't seen in over 30 years. It did get a DVD release in 2003 or 2004, but that's been out of print for at least 10 to 15 years and I haven't come across it on either format.

Same thing sort of goes for Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird. Though it has had three different DVD releases over the years. This is another one that my parents rented for me a few times when I was a kid. I actually may have also watched it at CHEO at least once, but this was a definite rental. I also have yet to find it on VHS or DVD, but if I find it on VHS before I find it on DVD, then I will absolutely get it on VHS.

She's All That is a weird one, because I'm pretty sure it's a movie I saw on TV at some point in the 2000's, but if I did see it on TV, I haven't seen it recently enough to know whether I saw it or not. It's also another movie I haven't come across on VHS, DVD, or Blu-ray at a thrift store, second hand store or flea market. It's another iconic 90's movie though, so it's one that if I find it on VHS I'll pick it up. If not, oh well.

The Last Starfighter is one of my favourite 80's Sci-Fi movies, which I've owned on DVD and Blu-ray. So it's on my list of movies I'd like to own on VHS for that reason. Plus I missed it on VHS the first time around, as well as the second time around when it was re-released on VHS in 1995. 

The last movie on this list is The Wizard, starring Fred Savage. I actually just got this movie on DVD on Friday at Ottawa Comiccon, but I haven't watched it yet. I've heard so much about this movie and its connection to Super Mario Bros. 3 that as soon as I saw the DVD, I bought it immediately. While I have heard alot about this movie, I don't think it's been overhyped at all. In fact, it's not a movie I had heard of until the 2010's, when people started talking about it on YouTube and social media. It's also not one I remember seeing at the video store when I was a kid either. Because I got it on DVD, I'm not in a rush to find it on VHS. In fact, the only two movies on this list that I am in a rush to find on VHS are Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer and Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird just because they were movies that my parents rented for me multiple times and so I have a history with them.

Alright my friends, that's it for me for today. I might be back for another post on Friday, but we'll see. Definitely come watch me tomorrow night at 9 pm Eastern, live on YouTube for the History of VHS episode of The VHS Club Podcast, or watch it or listen to it whenever you can starting on Friday. Until then have a great evening and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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