Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Marvel's Star Trek Overview Part 3: Star Trek Unlimited (1996-1998)

 Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm doing pretty well. So, I'm back to discuss the second comic book series in the Marvel Star Trek line from the late '90s. This isn't going to be a very long post because I've never read this series before, so I don't have an opinion on it and there isn't much information on the series either. So let's get into it and talk about Star Trek Unlimited, published by Marvel Comics.

Star Trek Unlimited was a ten issue mini-series published by Marvel Comics from 1996 to 1998. The first five issues contain two stories. One is about the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, and the second is about the crew of the Enterprise-D or the Enterprise-E depending on when in the Star Trek timeline the story takes place in.

Issue #6 was part of the "Telepathy War" storyline that ran through pretty much every Star Trek comic book series Marvel was publishing at the time. I mentioned it briefly in last week's section on the Voyager comic series. This issue was part 4 of the storyline and is a TNG era only issue.

Issue #7 contained only one story, but it was a crossover between TOS and TNG thanks to Q and Trelane being involved somehow. Now I'm wishing I had read this series, because it sounds pretty interesting to have a single series with TOS and TNG stories included, since both series had just come off long runs at DC Comics at this point in time. 

Issue #8, not shown above, contained 3 stories, a TOS story, a TNG story, and a DS9 story. For the remaining two issues, issue #9 was a TOS issue, and the final issue, shown above, was a TNG issue. 

As I mentioned, I've never read any issue of this series as I haven't had access to it. The Marvel era of Star Trek comics weren't super available here when I was a kid. As I mentioned in the previous installment of this series, I was lucky that other people were able to find the two Voyager comics that I had when I was a teenager, and that I was able to find both of those issues again a few years ago. The vast majority of this era have been elusive because they just didn't sell well at the time, and those that do have these issues don't want to give them up necessarily because they've never been collected in any trade paperback and Eaglemoss's Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection hardcovers are pretty expensive. Not to mention that run doesn't collect all of the Marvel line. Just the Voyager and DS9 runs, and Early Voyages, which I'll be talking about in three weeks. 

That's it for me for today. Like I said, it's a short post this time just because I don't own any issue, so I can't talk about the artwork, and I've never read these issues so I have no idea what they're like as stories. The next two installments of this overview series will be short too because they're also runs I've never read and have never seen the artwork for. I'll be back soon with my review of the second TOS pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before". Until then have a great evening and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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