Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas (1994) Christmas Special Review

 Hey everyone! How's it going? I'm doing pretty well. It's time for another Christmas Special Review. Today's Christmas Special Review is going to be on the 1994 direct-to-video special, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas. Which is something I chose not to review in my Power Rangers Reviews series. So, let's get into it.

Aside from the VHS release of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995), Alpha's Magical Christmas is the only Power Rangers VHS tape I ever owned. It was given to me as a birthday or Christmas present from my bus driver in either 1994 or 1995. There's no real story other than Alpha is lonely on Christmas Eve as the Power Rangers are busy helping Santa, because apparently Lord Zedd decided not to attack Angel Grove on Christmas Eve, for whatever reason. The bad guys don't even show up in this special. It's more like the children's musical tapes that used to come out in the '80s and '90s like the Wee Sing series or the Barney & The Backyard Gang/Barney Home Video tapes that were coming out alongside episodes of Barney & Friends (1992-2010), than a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers release. 

While I've seen this special numerous times over the year, watching it on the bonus features Disc from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Complete Series hit differently this time for me. Mainly because of Jason David Frank passing away a few weeks ago as he's in this special as Tommy both in flashbacks and at the end of the special where he, Kimberly, and Billy teleport to the Command Center, morphed and with their helmets off, to wish Zordon and Alpha a Merry Christmas.

So the in-universe continuity of this special is a bit wonky, but the real world continuity is a bit weird too. So Alpha's Magical Christmas was released on home video on October 19th, 1994, the day after Season 2, Episode 18, "White Light Part II", which was Tommy's debut as the White Ranger, though he's still as the Green Ranger in this special, but it came out a few weeks before Steve Cardenas, Karan Ashley, and Johnny Yong Bosch would debut as Rocky, Aisha, and Adam in "The Ninja Encounter" and before they replaced Jason, Trini, and Zack as the Red Ranger, Yellow Ranger, and Black Ranger in "The Power Transfer". In fact, it even shows clips of Rocky, Aisha, and Adam from episodes of the TV show that wouldn't air for two to three weeks. Now I saw this special after Rocky, Adam, and Aisha had debuted, so their debut and the Power Transfer weren't spoiled for me, but I bet that they were for alot of kids because of this tape. 

One thing that I find absolutely hilarious about this special is that the control consoles in the Command Center all get removed while the Christmas decorations and Christmas cookies are being made by Alpha and the kids. I mean I know they can be unplugged thanks to the first episode of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers but I completely forgot that they were modular too, which is obvious because of how the Command Center set was built, and because we saw old control consoles in the Command Center's basement in Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers as well as the first episode of Power Rangers Zeo. But it's just funny that they just aren't there when the children are around, but return just before Kimberly, Billy, and Tommy arrive. Also, when Zordon told Alpha to press the big red button on the console, which isn't there on the show, Alpha blindly presses it even though he doesn't know what it will do if he presses it. I mean it just ends up bringing a Christmas Tree into the Command Center, but if someone, and by someone I mean Zordon, told me to press a big red button in the center of the console I might ask what it does first, just in case it ends up being something that shouldn't be pressed unless we really REALLY mean it. Yes, that was a Spaceballs reference. 

That's really all I have to say about this special since there's no real story to it and the Power Rangers really don't have anything to do in it. I just wanted to mention when exactly it came out in relation to the TV show because it's really odd that it came out before Rocky, Adam, and Aisha debuted on the TV show, yet they're in it. Plus Tommy is wearing his Green Ranger costume, even though he was already the White Ranger. 

That's gonna be it for me for today my friends, but I'll be back tomorrow for another Christmas comic book review. So until then have a great rest of your day and I will talk to you all later. Take care.

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