Friday, 31 December 2021

The End of 2021 and Plans for 2022

 Hey everyone! Today was a real kick in the you-know-what with Betty White's passing. But I'm here to talk about my plans for 2022. So let's get right into it.

So I've held off on doing the geeky haul posts that I promised you last week because I got a VHS coming tomorrow thanks to my sister and her partner. So I'm moving those to next week instead. I've also decided to split them up into 5 categories: Books, Comics and Magazines, DVDs and Blu-rays, Toys, and VHS. The VHS post is going to be the longest because once my sister drops off the VHS she has for me, I will have acquired 41 VHS tapes in the last month and a half. So look forward to that probably Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, depending on how much I'm able to get done on Monday. 

As for the rest of my plans for the blog in 2022, I'm going to be doing more retrospective style posts. For example, to start off the year I'm going to be doing a five part series on the Walt Disney Animation Canon on home video. So from the origins of Walt Disney Home Video in the late '70s and early '80s, to the movies released on 4K in the present day. Because the subject of Walt Disney Home Video is so vast, and I already did an indepth look at the Walt Disney Classics, Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection, Walt Disney Limited Issues, Walt Disney Gold Classics Collection, Walt Disney Platinum Editions, Walt Disney Diamond Editions, and Walt Disney Signature Collection on my old blog, The Review Basement (they're still up there if you want to take a look at them), I decided to just do a retrospective on the various home media releases for the 60 animated movies produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios.

I have similar posts in mind for Star Trek, Star Wars, Batman, Spider-Man, Power Rangers (maybe), the original four Winnie the Pooh cartoon featurettes, and Disney Sing-Along Songs as well. I've also got more personal retrospectives too. Like my history with Star Trek, my history with Power Rangers, and my history with Disney. I'll also talk about book covers, comic book covers, movies that my parents rented for me when I was a kid, and toys, particularly toys from my childhood. And my favourite franchises will be discussed in depth as well. This year will definitely be heavily focused on physical media and everything that I like, in addition to reviews that I REALLY want to do in the new year. So I hope you'll all join me in 2022 because I've got alot to talk about.

2021 is over, and it was a weird year for my blogs. I closed the book on The Review Basement a couple of months ago because I just couldn't focus on what I wanted it to be. I just wasn't sure exactly what I wanted it to be. But with this blog, I know exactly what I want it to be. I want it to be big, fun and geeky. And that's what it's going to be. So if you're into that kind of stuff, then please enjoy my posts. I can't, and won't, promise any kind of schedule. I'll post whenever I feel like posting. 

That my friends is going to be it for me for 2021. I'll you back here on Monday for the first post of 2022. So until then have a wonderful evening, Happy New Year, and I will talk to you all later. Take care and stay safe!

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