Hey everyone, how's it going? I'm doing pretty well. I had planned on doing this post last week, but stuff came up and I didn't have the energy to focus on working on the blog. But, I'm back and this week we're going to talk about a very obscure album that I had on audiocassette in the mid 2000s. In fact, it's so obscure that I can't find a picture of the audiocassette cover, so I have to use an image of the CD cover instead. That album is YTV Big Fun Party Mix 4, which was released on CD and audiocassette in 2003. So, let's get into it!
So I don't really remember when I exactly got this album. It was either a birthday or Christmas present from my friend, Kelly, in 2003, or I bought it for myself while I was hanging out with Kelly and another friend of ours at the time, at Walmart in 2007. I'm about 95% sure that I got it in 2003 for my birthday or Christmas because I remember still being in high school when I got it. And none of my friends drove when we were in high school, so we had to rely on our parents to take us everywhere. And other than going to see The Two Towers in January 2003, the only other time I went anywhere with Kelly in the car while we were still in high school was when Mom and I picked her up in December 2002 for my party for my 16th birthday.
The songs on this album are a mix of the popular pop songs at the time, including "I'm a Believer" by Smash Mouth, which had been made popular by Shrek in 2001. However, there are three songs on here that are...interesting. The first is the English dub theme song for the Anime, Beyblade, "All Across the Nation" by The Black Europeans. The second is the theme song for the Anime, Hamtaro. The third is called "Super Smelly" by Nuclear Donkey.
For those of you who watched YTV in the late 90s and through most of the 2000s, you'll remember Nuclear Donkey. It was originally formed by the hosts of The Zone, PJ Katie and Pat Kelly and they recorded songs for each of the Big Fun Party Mix CDs, except for 7, 8, and 10 (according to Wikipedia). However, by the time Big Fun Party Mix 4 came out in 2003, Jen (PJ Katie) and Pat had left The Zone, and had been replaced by Stephanie "Sugar" Beard and Carlos Bustamante. As the new Nuclear Donkey, they recorded "Super Smelly" which is probably my favourite song on this entire album. Just because it's such a silly song.
There is one song on this album though that I'd love to talk about because it's my favourite song on this album that isn't "Super Smelly". And that song is "Whole Again" by Atomic Kitten. It's track 11 on the CD, but the third track on side 2 of the audiocassette, and I think one of the reasons that this album sticks out to me among all of the compilation albums I have that came out in the 2000s is that I'd heard this song and "I'm a Believer" on the radio a lot when I was in high school. Majic 100 played both songs all the time in 2001 when they were first released. So, when I got this album and saw that both songs were on it, I was thrilled.
I think that's all I wanted to say about this album. I'm honestly really happy with where this blog is. It took me ten years, but, I finally have it the way I want it to be. Which is great. That's going to be it for me for today. I'll be back soon with lots more posts. Until then have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later. Take care.